Sunday, November 22, 2015

A HEALTHY & HEARTY Thanksgiving!

So, if you're like LOVE the holidays and most importantly the food that comes along with it! Let's be's all about the food.

I mentally prepare myself and my body. "Okay Alyssa..just drink water for breakfast because you know THAT lunch at 12 is going to be the bomb diggity and you are going to go cray cray on Grandma's cranberry salad." "Alright, Lys, you aren't feeling sluggish yet so you definitely have room for another helping of mashed potatoes."  Like, seriously..the things that go through my head! LOLZ. And then I usually end up laying on a couch somewhere in my house, lethargically chatting with family, practically asleep (for the record, some of my family members do sleep - it's hilarious!)

But is that really what I should do?? Should I really gorge myself like that over the holidays? Probs not. SO - I've come up with a holiday game plan to help me enjoy myself but not go crazy and to help me pace myself so I don't become a sleepy, sluggish, bloated mess...because nobody wants that.

In this blog you'll find my plans for a Healthy and Hearty Thanksgiving! If you're the host - You can make these things for your guests - JUST as delicious and even more healthy. If you're following the 21 day fix plan (or just trying to be a clean eater) I have a nice meal plan set up for you here!

The most important part of the entire holidays?? DRINK DRINK DRINK DRINK Water!!!

All of these recipes/food ideas/portion control options came from a simple search on pinterest! IT is indeed POSSIBLE to have a healthy holiday season :)
Let's do this :) I literally just typed in "21 Day Fix Thanksgiving" and this entire page of options popped up!
You can look at these recipes under my "thanksgiving" section on my recipes page.

Crockpot Turkey Breast! This is great!! I'm so excited to have found a recipe that's EASY and healthy for you!!! YUM. Crockpot Turkey Recipe

Mashed Potatoes:
Skinny Smashed Potatoes - recipe here

Side Dishes:
Roasted Parmesan Green Beans - find the recipe here :)

There's no holiday without some dessert. Here is some HEALTHY pumpkin pie that looks and IS delicious! :) Pumpkin Pie here!

Here's an encouraging and motivating video from Autumn Calabrese, the creater of the 21 day fix! :)

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Monday, November 9, 2015

Don't just "be"...BE.

Soo...I've been kinda silent. Especially on the blog front. I just had this low time of feeling like what I wanted to say or what I had to say were things that people didn't care about, didn't want to listen too. I really began questioning my purpose in this life - asking God what He wanted me to do, where He wanted me to be. A few questions like...

 - am I dreaming too big?
 - is this all life is?
 - What's my purpose?
 - what's the plan here dude?
 - is there more life than Kindergarten? (Seriously, I love it. BEST JOB EVER. but I don't want my life to revolve solely around school, the system, the requirements, the ridiculous and the amazingness that comes with being a teacher - I didn't want that to be the only thing that defined myself)

For those of you that have ever asked those questions, you know if can lead to a slippery slope. A slope that could be a depressing spiral downward into the daily motions of life, with no emotions or strings attached really. I could feel myself slowly getting there ...slowly just going day to day, surviving as a first year teacher, trying to deal with a tiny apartment, starting laundry and dinner as soon as I arrived home from work, cleaning on Saturdays, church on Sundays, and then lather. rinse. repeat. for the following week. I could feel myself longing for change again. For something different, not necessarily a new job, but a new home? A place we can fit?? A place where that Christmas tree that I LOVED to decorate will be able to be on display? (because this year it won't.)

But I'm over that hump - and I'm FINALLY balancing life again! I'm finally feeling like I can be a GREAT teacher, a GREAT wife, and a GREAT friend at the same time. It's super hard to balance adult life. I never realized it before...and I have a new appreciation for adults. ;)

How did I get over it?? Let me tell you - it took a little bit of work. I'm not going to lie, I was in a funk for a few weeks. But I honestly can tell you right now, that it had nothing to do with me. I give it all up to God who reminded me over and over and over again that I have a greater purpose here, that lives will be changed, that people will find pure happiness, and that somehow I'm involved in it. God showed me - in the simplest of ways (a note, a pedicure, an argument, a scripture, a sermon, in school, with my kinders, with my colleagues, with my best friends)  - that I have a purpose to teach kinders, to love others unconditionally, to help others get healthy, and to live this life to the fullest.

So..I've realized that you can never dream too big. I asked my sisters the other day, "If you could do anything you wanted with your life (money - no question), what would you do??" They answered great and wonderful things, life changing things.

My response..."Why aren't we doing that right now? What is stopping us??" Money always plays a factor, but there are ways to make it work, ways to make things feasible.

I decided that I'm not going to just "be". I'm going to BE, I'm going to work hard and dream big and make those dreams happen. My dream?? To teach, to make a matching income as a Beachbody coach, to be able to stay home with my kids if/when the time comes, to be able to help others become fit and healthy, to be able to buy my students that need things the things they need. TO HELP, TO LOVE, TO GIVE - money no question. I've seen other coaches rock this and fulfill their dreams. I'm going to do it too! I plan on it!

Step one: Order business cards. Check.

Step two: Dive HEAD ON, FULL THROTTLE into this tiny little baby-sized "sideshow" business that makes me a couple hundred bucks a month.

Let's do this.

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Monday, September 28, 2015

FALL into Fitness: October 2015!

I've written about challenge groups before - I've talked about the importance and accountability of them. I've talked about WHY they are so awesome. You get the picture :)

My latest group is called "Fall into Fitness" (get it..Fall?! ) I try to be punny. This is a different group than others because, honestly, it's happening starting October 12. THIS FALL. TWO WEEKS.  I would venture to say that not many people think about starting their fitness journey right now. Halloween, Thanksgiving, and then dare I say, Christmas, are right around the corner. Might as well put those goals on hold until after Christmas and set our new years resolutions.

and to this I say...WHY?

If you won't start today, what makes you say you'll start tomorrow??

I struggled with this my whole life. I can remember saying, "When I'm 16, I'll start watching what I eat and working out." "When I get to college, I'll start working out daily to prevent the freshmen fifteen." "When I get engaged I'll start working out so I can look good in my wedding dress."

But really...what do those "When I" statements even do for me? Other than prolong my goals? It just helped me procrastinate something that I wanted, something I desired, but something that might've been a little difficult.

Here's the way I see it. When we are in middle school, our biggest life goal is to be a Senior in high school and walk across that stage to receive our diploma. We don't say, "When I turn 18, then I'll study and do homework and try to make it through high school." No, we (mostly) try our best or atleast attend school in order to make it through to the end!

When we are Seniors and we think about our future careers, we don't say "When I'm 45 and ready to settle down, I'll go to college and work on my career." No, we want to get to our career as fast as possible and we work hard and we do the hard things to get there.

And finally, when it's time to get a job after our hard-earned degree, do we just sit on the couch at home hoping someone will call?? No! We interview, we apply, we make awkward "did you get my resume" phone calls. WE WORK HARD to get what we want and desire. We work hard to fulfill our dreams and to keep making our dreams bigger.

This group is starting October 12th and there is still time to join. I SINCERELY hope you aren't saying, "I'll message Alyssa in January when things have slowed down." because I can guarantee  you that things will be busier.  Message me today. I'm listening!

It all bottles down to one question..."how bad do you want it?"

How Bad Do You Want It #FunFit -

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Monday, September 14, 2015

Overwhelmed and So, So, So, Blessed.

So, you guys totally love on my statuses about my kiddos - and honestly, they say the most hilarious things and they do the most hilarious things and I love them with my whole heart. Being a first year teacher is tough in and of itself, but being a first year KINDERGARTEN teacher has proven itself to be quite the challenge. And when you see those photos of me in school on Saturday and Sunday, I actually am having a BLAST creating materials for the next week - to me, this isn't a job or something I HAVE to do, it's something I LOVE to do...and as the saying goes, "Choose a job you love and you'll never work a day in your life." I don't say I'm going to work, I say I'm going to school to be the "Teacher Mommy" that my friend so fondly calls me.

That being said, my beachbody business had slowed a little. Naturally this went on the back burner as I wanted my room, myself, and my materials to come first to make sure my little kinders were getting the best education I could give them. coming in was less, people I was helping was less, and honestly, I started questioning if I could even do both of these things anymore. is basically Kindergarten with some eating and sleeping inbetween. But I lost 4 pounds during this time so far, I've managed to eat sort of clean, and I've set big goals for this coming December - so I figured, YES if I can do this - I can continue to help people do this.

Enter, from stage left, this handy dandy guy who created me, the Man himself, God. I talk to Him alot - throughout my day, on my drive to and from work, as I'm loving on my little friends. But I NEVER and I mean I NEVER invited Him into the Beachbody aspect of my life. And I was like, "ALYSSA GREEN WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM!?!" I guess I felt by praying to Him about Beachbody, I'd be praying to Him for sales and business, and that's not what I was asking for nor what I wanted.

So instead I prayed this (and for some odd reason I remember exactly what I said..) "God, send me people that need help. Send me people that want to know you better, that need new ways to get healthy, nourish the bodies you gave them, and to exercise. Send me the people that are frustrated, tired, and discouraged. Send me people that are busy, ridiculously busy. Make me the best coach I can be for all of these people. Help me to be there for them, encourage them, motivate them. God, I want to help people, I want to serve you in this way."

I prayed this prayer on the way to school last Thursday. Didn't think twice about it, just left it there. Sometimes I'd send up a sentence or two throughout the weekend, but I didn't dedicate any more time to bringing it to God.

Now, we are here, it's Monday. Exactly 4 days ago I prayed for God to send people to me. Message upon message upon message filling my inbox. People needing help, people frustrated, people are ready for a change.

I'm so overwhelmed and blessed by God hearing my prayer. I'm so excited to start working with these women, helping them change their lives! I am more than ready for this challenge and I think God knows I'm ready and capable of doing this too, even if sometimes I don't feel like it.

So this is for you. The person scrolling through your newsfeed, reading another photo or selfie from me, kinda interested but not willing to ask about it. This is for you, girl who thinks I have too much time for this and you don't have enough. This is for you, Mama who never sits down let alone has a full meal.

I prayed for you. Message me. <3

Contact Me.... Let's Talk It Out

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Sunday, September 6, 2015

Where I've been, Where I am, and Where I'm going


So sorry that I've been absent on the blog lately! I've been trying to be more present in so many other areas of my life right now (ie...on facebook, with my challengers, my team, my new job, my new apartment..) let's just say things are TOO CRAZY here and I LOVE IT!

But, I'm back. I'm back with a vengeance and I'm so excited to blog more and more about my fitness journey and the people that I'm taking with me!

So - I wanted to give you guys a glimpse of where I've been, where I am, and where I plan on going!

Where I've been!
 - You all remember where left off right? I was directing a summer camp at my favorite place on Earth, Laurelville!
 - I lost inches over the summer and I actually went down two pants sizes! I LOVE seeing the progress!!
 - We lived in Salisbury, PA and now we moved our way down to Harrisonburg, VA!

Where I am!
 - I'm now officially a Kindergarten Teacher here in Harrisonburg! Can I just say DREAM JOB?!
 - It has been a crazy amount of stressful evenings and cutting and laminating and so many fun little friends, but I definitely LOVE my life and my job!

Where I'm going!
 - My goal?? To teach because I want too (I already do) not because I have too (which I kinda know...Money..)
 - To keep expanding my team
 - to lose more weight by Christmas and New Years!
 - to continue to grow my business, be a better teacher, a better wife, and a better person all around.

What's next?!
Okay guys, I'm going to dig deep into my challenge groups, my monthly groups, and ALL things going on. Each month I will be hosting -

1. A shakeology group - a 5 day test of Shakeo!
2. A sneak peek into Coaching group - definitely see what it's like to be me!
3. A FREE clean eating group - 5 days of clean eating foods! I've had people lose up to 7 pounds in just five days from cleaning up their diet.
4. A FREE exercise group of some sort. This month's group is called Flex into Fall and it's focusing on our arms!
5. A challenge group will run the last week of each month to help you all get started on those goals!!!

Finally, last but not least, my BIG HUGE CRAZY OFF THE ROCKER goal for this coming fall...from September to December, my goal is to drop 40 pounds.
CAN I DO IT?! Heck yes.

but I'm terrified.

Living the life I love.

This was short and sweet, and to the point :)
Stay tuned for more posts! :) And let me know if you have questions or ideas on new posts!

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Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Focus on the Willing

I love my coach! Have I mentioned that before? Every time I talk to her she just leaves me feeling so excited for my goals - for my next steps - for my future. And on top of all of that, I couldn't be prouder of her and her amazing growth recently! Like..she has hit an amazing stride!

Aside from that, today I was complaining to her. I'm slightly frustrated that my team isn't growing as fast as I want it too and people aren't taking it as seriously as I want them too, and I'm just plain out frustrated. Messaging people over and over who were really close with me one month and aren't responding to me for two months now. I'm just discouraged. Then she said something to me..

"Focus on the willing."

WHAT. Mind=blown.

She's totally right. She went onto explain a pretty awesome analogy that I LOVE. What if you had a waiter that never asked you for your drink order? Or maybe never gave you the option to order dessert? You'd be pretty offended, correct? Like..dude..I'm thirsty over here. By not asking, by not putting the offer out there to have people be on my team, I'm making the decision for them.

That's why I post a lot, that's why I ask and offer and propose. I don't want to make the decision for you to not participate in this with me! Therefore, I will continue to offer it over and over, and let you decide.

This got me to thinking...this whole focusing on the willing thing...

Jesus. Oh what a great guy. He's always knocking on our door, always putting the offer of His love on the table, always there, always ready, always waiting for and loving us, and he waits. He waits until we hear that knock, no matter how long it takes, and he waits for us to be willing to follow him.

FOCUS on the Willing!

Jesus focused on the woman who bled for 12 years that so desired to be healed by Jesus because she believed in His power. God focused on Job who praised Him even after every terrible thing that happened, because Job was still willing to follow Him. Jesus ignored the Pharisees, the Saducees, and all those other priestly people, he just kept doing his thing, loving them, knocking on their doors, and waiting. He never pushed his way into their lives, he simply focused on those who were willing to follow Him and if more happened to follow him, then the more the merrier! :)

So, my new goal? Focus on the willing, the ones that want to make this a business, a new lifestyle, and change lives the way I did. Even if you aren't willing, I'll be waiting here, knocking on your door, patiently. :)

Isn't Jess just awesome?

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Friday, July 10, 2015

Debt free, oh glory be!

This topic speaks SO CLOSE to me and so ridiculously near to me that it's almost palpable. Debt is such a heavy burden that a lot of people have to bear and I feel like it's something that I've dealt with my entire life.

...I've always felt like I could never get ahead, I always owed something - whether time, money, deeds - it became a thing. I just knew that I'd never be ahead and I'd always be behind and the debt that I owed would be piling up for years to come. It wasn't hidden - but it wasn't really talked about either - but my family was in debt a large portion of my life too. So, it just seemed as if debt would always be something that I'd have to deal with.

I chose to go to a Private Christian college, Eastern Mennonite University, in Harrisonburg, VA thus beginning my debt journey by taking a plunge into a REALLY huge pool of debt. I had known that my debt was going to be decent sized - that's the price you pay for going to a university like no other ;) but at the beginning it seemed as if the scholarships and camp and church and Mennonite love would help me make it through.

To an extent, it did. However, I sped up my college process by taking online classes during the summers and winter breaks, I wanted my time at EMU to be treasured and well spent but also as short as possible so as not to accrue any more debt than I was already going to have. I graduated with a Liberal Arts and Elementary Education degree in 3 years. At the age of 21, on April 27, 2014, I officially had about $51,000 in debt from college costs alone. THIS FELT AMAZING. I mean, was it alot, yes! But, it was WAY less than others owed. So I thought I was doing good.

Then I got married :) to a completely debt-free, money minded, saver who helped me realize that this was still debt. DEBT. debt. DEBT. There's that ugly word again...I already hate this word because of it's meaning, but does anyone else get annoyed because there is a silent "b"...#frustrating. We started from the beginning - before we even got married we talked money, we talked how we wanted it to be an "us" thing not a "this is mine and this is yours" thing. Money was such a HUGE part (both good and bad) of my growing up years that I knew we needed to make this solid for us before we start adding more humans to our family. (because people, let's be real, debt affects THE ENTIRE family.) So, we started. We figured out that we could live off of  (AKA pay bills) Jared's paycheck and we put my entire paycheck towards my loans.

I know what you're is this even possible..?!?!

The check I get as a Beachbody coach covered our extras, our spending money, allowing me to use my paycheck for my loans. At this time, I've been paying my school loans since October and have paid off $13,500. HALLELUJAH! On the way to being debt free. My car broke down and we bought a new one, so now we owe for that too. But it's okay - because we have a plan! And I know it's going to work - and I know that my beachbody business is going to continue to grow and thrive because I'm going to make it grow and thrive.

This is an opportunity that I DON'T WANT YOU TO MISS. Seriously, I'm 22 years old (each day this fathoms me) and I honestly don't know how or why this opportunity landed in my lap but I wouldn't change it for the world because it is changing MY LIFE.

**and now it's time for a 7:15 AM Polar Bear Swim** (it's for the kids, it's for the kids, it's for the kids...<--that's what helps me get out of bed. :) )

Monday, July 6, 2015

My Temple

I’ve been digging deep into the word, 
...really REALLY looking at what it has to say to me, especially in this world of crazy. Being at camp, being a beachbody coach, being a soon-to-be Kindergarten teacher, REALLY TRULY HONESTLY shapes and molds who I am – duh, those are things I am. However, it’s something about the combination, the idea that all those things involve touching me differently, that has compelled me to dig deeper, search harder, fight further, to get closer to God, take better care of my body, and develop myself professionally as much as I possibly can.

Something that I CANNOT get past, is that my body is a temple to the Lord. Maybe it’s the overwhelming emotions I feel towards my body on any given day, maybe it’s the anxiety of never looking good enough that is slowly starting to fade, or maybe, just maybe, it’s that I’ve actually realized the truth that my body is a freaking temple and I need to freaking take care of it.


Now we could debate forever and a day about piercings and tattoos, and “how are those temple-like?” they say. Well phooey on you, I had my nose pierced  and I eventually want a tattoo – the outward adornments of the body are not what I’m talking about or addressing.  It’s the innards, the gooey, gunky, insides that make the temple. I’m not treating it like a temple.

Exercise: I exercise, more often than I used to. But on the days when I know the exercises are going to be harder, I put less work and time in. On the days when it’s yoga – I think, I don’t need to stretch and breathe a lot today. On the days that I have plenty of time to workout, but facebook and instagram are more interesting, exercise goes to the wayside. MY BODY IS A TEMPLE.

Nutrition: I try to eat clean, but being away from home this summer on top of moving makes it hard. The drive-thru calls my name on more days than not and I know, I know that with the swipe of a card I’ll have a fast and quick meal that’s covered in grease and salt. I’m not putting the time and care into the food that I digest and put into my body. I’m not worried about where it came from or what’s in it. I don’t care how “fake” it is. I go for easy, I go for fast. MY BODY IS A TEMPLE.

Sleep/Rest: I don’t sleep when I’m supposed and I don’t rest when I should. I KNOW that my eyelids are heavy, that the stress and weight of the world weighs on me and that I need a break sometimes, but my stubbornness overtakes me and I refuse to just sit, and rest, or nap, or breathe. I don't take the time to just refuel and recharge my body unless I absolutely have too. I push it to the ultimate limit. MY BODY IS A TEMPLE.

Reminding myself...over AND over that my body is a temple!
Hope this is a great reminder for you!

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Thursday, June 11, 2015

21 DF EXTREME Results..but seriously...EXTREME

Guys. Guys. Guys.
Seriously, so happy with my final results from the 21 day fix extreme! They could've been better and way more amazing if I followed the nutritional portion of the program way better than what I did, but honestly...I'm just so happy.
I can see a curve in my waist again.
Everything is so much tighter.
I'm happier.
There are no scales at camp so I can't weigh in, as much as I want too..I'm so glad that I can't. It's not about a number, it's about how I feel, how my clothes feel, and what a difference you can see!
Here are my before pics and after pics... and some other amazing pics!

Monday, June 8, 2015

Summer Lovin'

GUYS! I had one week of my summer completely free and now I'm jumping back to work!


I'm going to camp!

I'm so excited because Laurelville is literally my favorite place on this entire Earth. I spent countless years there as a camper, counseled there for 3 years, met the love of my life there, and now I'm returning, this time as a director, co-directing with my friend, Byron.

When this opportunity first arose, I turned it down. I had A LOT to do this summer, like ...find a job. But then, I was asked again, and I knew it was God saying..this is for you! Do this! Jared and I both decided it will be a great way for me to spend my summer (keeping my mind off of this whole no job situation and my mind on God and what he can do.) Laurelville has this crazy way of making God palpable and for that I'm forever grateful.

While I'm sad to leave Jared, Daisy, and Zeus, for the majority of the week, I'll be home on weekends! And I'm excited to have a new perspective of summer camp and to keep up with my summer goals. I've got my bags packed full of Shakeology and workout programs. I WANT YOU ALL to keep me accountable! I'm going to workout every morning, exhausted or not - because I know it will make me a better, more patient person. And benefit me! Right?! Plus, I have goals! :)

Guys, this is going to be hard. It's going to be tough. I'm not doing this because it's easy to do - I'm doing this because it's hard to do and because I'll definitely have to push myself. I'm setting a goal to workout consistently everyday.

Now there is one more hurdle I have to jump over. Besides living out of a suitcase for the majority of the summer, and squeezing in a workout every day, and running a camp, and handling campers, and a family at home on the weekends...we have to talk Laurelville food.

I don't think people understand that when God created Laurelville, He blessed it with thee most amazing cooks in the world. Like..think homecooked, amazing food for EVERY SINGLE MEAL.

And you're going to find me hanging out by the salad bar, because as much as I love Extreme Taco Mondays...I still have goals and I know they are going to be reached in the kitchen.

Here's to a summer of suitcases, smores, swimming, shakeology, Shaun T, and some amazing, amazing staff. I'm so excited! So blessed!

SO...will you do it?! Will you encourage me?!?! Will you keep me accountable?!
If you've read this, and you will, please comment below or on Facebook to let me know who my supporters are and who's praying for me!

Again, I love you all. Laurelville has renewed me in more ways than I can ever explain, and I'm hoping for that again this summer. <3

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Thursday, June 4, 2015

The 21 Day Fix EXTREME Week 2 Results

Days #8 through #14

My nutrition was SO MUCH better at this point! Was it perfect? Heck no. But it was way better!! I'm hoping to buckle down even MORE on the last 7 days. It's so hard to get back on this lifestyle when I took a short hiatus..and now I'm paying for it. I plan on doing this program MULTIPLE TIMES! This week was much easier than the last in SO MANY WAYS. My eating was better, working out became easier (and a necessity as a stress reliever and a calmer). My nutrition definitely wasn't what it should be, it needs to be exact for this program to truly work it's magic and the scale is showing that. However, I'm seeing crazy awesome differences in my body and that's good too! I plan on restarting this again once it's over and trying to complete it successfully while I'm at summer camp. This just really proves that food and the kitchen ARE 80% of health and fitness, losing weight, and maintaining weight. I can workout all day long and not see results because of the foods I'm eating. This week, I'm hoping to really focus in on my eating habits. It's been hard - between the grad parties and picnics, the busy schedule, etc. I feel ya! But I'm making excuses and that's not okay. I shouldn't be, this isn't hard to do - it's easily doable on a busy schedule and I just am focused on satisfying my taste buds for 5 minutes before thinking of my lasting and permanent results. 

Here are my results from Week 2:
Inches lost: 2.5 inches lost!I lost a whole inch on my waist!
Pounds lost: 1.2 pounds 
I was really disappointed when I saw these photos. I'll be honest, the only place I see is a difference is in my arms (which I don't really care about right now) and in the top of my waist. But these pictures don't do it justice..But take a look at the pics below! 
Here are my total results from the beginning to Day 14:
TOTAL Inches lost: 5.75 INCHES TOTAL! 
TOTAL Pounds lost: 2.8 total...because of my nutrition....:(
Photos: THESE PHOTOS MADE ME FEEL SO MUCH BETTER! YOU CAN SEE THE HUGE DIFFERENCE! My favorite is the second forward facing photo. It's legit...and you can see it. 

Monday, June 1, 2015

What I do.

I wanted to do a pretty in depth blog post about what I do as a coach...and how it literally gets done. And how I've been able to make a small side income and take care of my health and wellness - while working a full time job, being a wife, and doing 8,000 other things because I just can't say no. :)

I feel like the judgement of others tends to get clouded and for this reason most people just think I post sweaty selfies and try to sell products all the time. NEGATIVE.

I workout FOR ME. And I post a sweaty selfie because that's my accountability to the people I'm helping.

I run challenge groups on Facebook - to help other women maintain motivation and encouragement while they are working out. Most of the time, I'm not making any money at all because people borrow programs from friends or already have a program, so essentially I'm a free coach probably 80% of the time.

So this is a run down of my day as a coach, you'll end up seeing it's so much more about my journey than it is about making money. I just so happen to have the chance to work with wonderful women and make a little money on the side at the same time!


5:30 AM - wake up, put in a load of laundry, take the dog and cat outside, unload the dishwasher, and clean up the kitchen, make Jared a coffee

Workout! (never more than 30 minutes!)

Post a sweaty selfie, check in to all challenge groups and post a sweaty selfie there too!

6:45 - 7:00 AM Shower

7:00-7:30 AM Get ready and drink Shakeology
(and then go to school! But since it's now summer...clean the house, go get groceries, run errands, etc..)

7:30 AM -3:30 PM Live life - whether I'm in school or I'm at home during the summer, I'm normal. I spend time making meals, hanging with friends, going shopping, watching TV. Summer is pretty busy so I'll be mapping out a large calendar plan and trying to get organized today.

3:30-4:30 PM Write a blog post, check in with a few interested people, answer messages and emails, post a status

4:30-6:00 PM - Dinner and time with the Family!

6:00-7:00 PM - Clean up dinner and red up the house from the day!

7:00- 9:30 PM - Watch TV and multitask while responding to questions. Hootsuite more challenge groups for the following month! (Hootsuite is a social media site where I can schedule my posts to happen in specific facebook groups - a huge time saver when done ahead of time!)

9:30-10:15 PM - Read a great, new, amazing and fulfilling book before hitting the hay.

Then, the alarm goes off and I'm back at it all over again! This isn't about the money for me. This is about bettering myself - this is about trusting my journey! This is about knowing I have something that can help so many people that I HAVE to spread the word about it. That being said, don't EVER be afraid to message me, to ask me a question, to look for recipes. I'll coach you no matter if you buy a product or not. It's what I do. :)

Thursday, May 28, 2015

The 21 day Fix EXTREME Week 1 Results

Day #1
Today was fine until after lunch. I thought I was going to freak out if I didn't have a piece of chocolate and if I have to eat fish one more time, I might throw up. But seriously, I ate fish and I downed my broccoli and now I'm sitting here, sleepy, exhausted, and refreshed from my workout. WHOWEE, that's a toughy. I can tell this program is going to kick my bootayyyy...and I'm more than ready for the results! Basically, I'm pretty much just gassy. But I'm down two pounds from this morning! (I know...why are you weighing yourself Alyssa?! - but I was curious) Here's Day 1's video blog...I think I'm too funny.

Day #2 & Day #3 & Day #4
These few days were really weird. My tummy was super rumbly and Jared always thought I was farting but in reality my tummy was just upset. I'm sleeping SO WELL. The best sleep I've had in a long, long, long, time. They say this comes from feeding your body the correct nutrients. Hah! who knew?! I also have been tired, but I have a crazy energy to keep going..weird. These days always tend to be the make or break days. I'm feeling torn between wanting to continue and wanting to stop this whole bologna and eat whatever I want. but I have goals! I allowed myself a few cheats (it's Memorial Day people!!!) but I made sure to stick to the 80/20 rule. I'm down 3.8 pounds as of today - and the progress encourages me to go further. THE WORKOUTS ARE SO HARD! AHH. Hoping to really get into the flow of them as the weeks progress. And I'm hoping to see more and more progress. 

Day #5 & Day #6 & Day #7
Let's be real. Totally didn't stick to the meal all. Another reminder that I'm human. and that sometimes we slip up.. The biggest and most bestest thing about this situation? I'm ready to jump back on the clean eating bandwagon tomorrow. Like legit. and seriously. Because I know these last 14 days are going to fly by, and I WANT RESULTS. The workouts aren't necessarily getting harder - but, I LOVE that I'm sweating more. I feel I can complete MORE of the workout without stumbling around. The first few workouts were kinda complicated! I know next week will be different though, since it won't be the first time around. 

ALOT of people are wondering what my meal plan looks like!

If you are following the VERY STRICT Countdown to Competition plan (a supplement of the 21 day fix meal plan is found here at the, Countdown to Competition Meal Plan.

Here are my results from Week 1:
Inches lost: 3.25 inches ALL AROUND! (This speaks volumes..take a look at my pics!)
Pounds lost: 1.6 pounds (this would've been WAY more if I had stuck to my meal plan. I'm coming for ya week 2!)

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Here I am again...

At this time, last year, in 2014...

I had just moved into the Dreamhouse (where we currently live) and had been here for a month. I had FINALLY cleaned it to the point where I felt it was livable and it didn't smell weird anymore. I was planning my wedding in July (going insane) and attempting to workout each morning.

I was stressed. I had just graduated college. I was trying to apply to EACH and EVERY school in our county, paperwork was up to my eyeballs and I was writing cover letters in my dreams. My resume was "on point" and I was sure I'd get a job.

June flies by...

July flies by...

I still didn't have a job.

August begins...

August 13th is a day I will never forget because I had accepted the offer to be a Spanish Teacher at the local highschool. A 2 mile drive, 10 minutes on snowy days, and a small town community feel was the perfect start to my teaching career. Although it wasn't Elementary education, I had high aspirations for my classroom.

Between graduating college, wedding planning, getting married, moving into the dreamhouse, attempting to fix up the dreamhouse, job searching, and beginning my first year of teaching, I had gained 20 pounds.




Of course, you all saw my journey, where I kicked butt on the 21 day fix, became a Beachbody coach, and am working my way to losing WAY more than the 20 pounds I gained due to stress. You saw, you all cheered me on, and for that I am forever grateful.

But maybe what you didn't know, is that my Spanish teaching job was simply for one year (because I'm not certified to teach Spanish). It's only for one year unless I take a lot of college classes this summer. But that just isn't in our budget, and it only gets me one more year of teaching Spanish anyways.

"But it's okay!", I told myself. You can just apply to places, or maybe move and apply some more.

Well folks, here I am again.

I've applied everywhere I could possible think of. We've considered moving to multiple states. But here I am again, knowing this week is my last week of school at Salisbury, in my little Spanish classroom. Knowing that once Friday comes, I'm probably going to have a mental breakdown because I officially won't have any plans for the coming school year.


I'm terrified guys. I'm not terrified of not having a plan (I mean, I kinda am....but in reality, I did everything I can do). I'm terrified of what happened last summer. I'm terrified of gaining 20 pounds due to stress - without changing my eating habits. My body simply just shut down.

I'm obviously not planning another wedding, that was a stresser for sure, but what if I end up planning a move? Those are equally as stressful! What if I never find a job and Jared and I are forced to really really really dig deep into our financial situation? WHAT IF I GAIN 20 POUNDS AGAIN.

NOT HAPPENING. I refuse to let it happen. I'm arming myself with the best things out there and I'm going to take this summer back. I'm not letting it happen to me again. NEVER.

I'm trying so hard to trust Jesus, dear friends. I know that He already has a super huge amazing plan that is laid out perfectly and I know that He's probably laughing at my freak-outs and my silly google searches on teaching across the United States. I know that He knows the desire in my heart, the desire I have to fill a classroom with little children and to teach them, guide them, and help them grow.  For now, just pray for me.

Because I'm at the starting line again, but this time..the race is going to look differently :)

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Countdown to Competition Meal Plan

Just wanted to write a small post about my Countdown to Competition meal plan. You can definitely switch this up and change it around - as long as you are using the correct containers for the 21 DF and 21 DFX. No big deal...however, I'm a cheapo and it's easier to buy in bulk than it is to switch it up EVERY SINGLE DAY.
So here is a sneak peek at my eating plan. I just follow this for three days and then repeat.

Day 1:
Breakfast: Shakeology
Snack #1: Fish/Yams
Snack #2: Fish/Broccoli
Lunch: Fish/Broccoli
Snack #3: Fish/Asparagus
Snack #4: Fish/Asparagus
Supper: Fish/Broccoli
Snack #5: Fish/Asparagus

Day 2:
Breakfast: Shakeology
Snack #1: Fish/Yams
Snack #2: Fish/Broccoli
Lunch: Fish/Broccoli
Snack #3: Fish/Asparagus
Snack #4: Fish/Asparagus
Supper: Fish/Broccoli
Snack #5: Fish/Asparagus

Day 3:
Breakfast: Shakeology
Snack #1: Fruit
Snack #2: Veggie
Lunch: Wrap (lunchmeat, 1/2 cheese, lettuce, tortilla)/fruit
Snack #3: Baked Cinnamon Tortilla
Snack #4: Veggie
Supper: Approved recipe (check out my pinterest for the 21 day Fix extreme!)
Snack #5: Fruit

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Egg Salad Wrap!

Lunch ~ Egg Salad Wrap
2 hard boiled eggs, yolk removed from 1 egg  
1/4 cup Low fat cottage cheese
1 Tbsp of Dijon Mustard
1 sliced tomato
Whole Wheat Tortilla
Optional Herbs (dried dill, tarragon, balsamic vinegar, salt and peper)

Directions – 
Chop up hard boiled eggs and mix with cottage cheese and mustard
Add optional spices, and toss all ingredients
Layer on wrap
Can be served with veggies like lettuce, cucumber, tomato

This is a quick easy lunch and it's perfect for on the go! I easily prep this in the morning and head out the door!
*Jared approved :)

Disclaimer...I used 5 eggs because I was doubling the recipe and our eggs are small. We both had a wrap PLUS enough left over for my lunch tomorrow!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The 21 Day Fix EXTREME...that's right, EXTREME

My latest adventure begins...the 21 Day Fix EXTREME!
That's right...EXTREME.

A new program - an amazing program - and a challenging one! The cool thing? I can use my containers from the 21 DF, all I had to do was buy the workouts! :) and the meal plan of course came with it.
According to an article I just read, this isn't for beginners. It's for people have already done the 21 day fix or have graduated from some other program like T-25, Insanity Max. It even counts if you're more of a runner/avid athlete/or workout semi-often. So, if this sounds like you and you are ready to see different results, let's chat!

I still have 30 minute workouts, except much harder. I still have those containers, except much more strict eating requirements. I still do it in 21 days. :)

The idea is that I'm taking my fitness "to the next level", which is exactly what I plan to do! Unlike the regular 21DF, this program is not designed to be repeated back to back. This is more of a upcoming event/time to tone it up/once every few months sort of thing. The regular 21DF can be used every day!
BUT I have goals people, and I'm totally going to knock this out of the park. I just know it.

I'm TERRIFIED of this journey. I KNOW I can do it, but I'm just scared. The word extreme is slightly intimidating. I think I'm mainly terrified because Jared isn't doing this with me. Unfortunately, now that he's back to work (and not at home to food prep) he can't stop and eat 6 meals a day while he's up there on the roof. But, I know he'll support me through the whole thing!

But seriously...look at Autumn (the creator and trainer for the 21DF and the 21 DFX)

I decided to Video Blog this entire journey to switch things and keep you interested ;) IT'S sure to be a wild ride! Within these next 21 days, I have Memorial Day, The last week of school (a celebration in itself), 8 graduation parties, a Taylor Swift Concert, and just daily life. But I have a plan and I'm more than ready to take this on!

Here are my feelings....On even thinking about the 21 DFX.

And here is my video diary on FOOD PREP!

I loved my grocery shopping adventure!

I'm a happy girl that only spent $30 on fish and veggies. :) haha! Enjoy my videos! I'll be keeping you posted on each week!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Focus T-25

I have too, I just have too...

*Disclaimer: This isn't a sale post...this isn't a "reason you need to buy this post", this is about YOU understanding how important YOU are!

Maybe it's my love-hate relationship (pretty much adoration) with Shaun T.

Maybe it's the fact that it's only 25 minutes a day.

Maybe it's because I had amazing results and it was so worth and I'm going to go crazy if someone doesn't try it.

I love FOCUS T-25! Seriously. My all-time favorite program. Up next on my list? Insanity Max:30 - also by Shaun T. AND a new program coming out this summer called, CIZE. and it's dancing. that's exercise. I can't wait!

However, I really wanted to write a blog post about Focus T-25 because it changed my life.

So, in June of 2014 (has it really been almost a year already??), my friend (and now coach) Jess posted about doing T-25 and I commented on it and I was like, sure, I'll do it!

In the end, I realized that T-25 is the most expensive program that we sell at Beachbody. It's pricey...there are like 10 DVDs, resistance bands, etc. the whole 9 yards! However, the wedding-planning, just graduated from college me (and my fiance at the time, Jared) did not have the extra $180 to spend on this program. Except..I made it work. and I bought it. Without Jared knowing.

When it came in the mail, Jared saw me opening the box and got really upset with me. It was such an awkward part of our relationship where we were just learning how to combine our finances, how to save together, how to spend together, and most importantly how to budget. Eventually, he got over it and he said something I will never forget..."I can't be mad at you for wanting to be healthier."

Little did I know how my life would change!

T-25 is only 25 minutes a day and I started right off the bat working out each morning. I became such a morning person getting up at 5:30 am, getting my workout in, and going on with the rest of my day. BOY, was I the sorest girl in the world! This was the most consistent I had ever been with a program in my entire life. I completed the entire thing, 10 weeks! And I felt amazing!! I lost 12 inches all over my body and you could see it in the way I stood and the way my body looked. This program is definitely worth the cost, it's my alltime favorite program, and it will bring you results. I even started a second round of it that same summer.

So, Alyssa...really, what's the point of this blog other than to tell us about a program that you sell?

As embarassing as this is.....Please take a look at my results...CRAZY.
(**this was last summer.)

Well, let me tell you. ITS WORTH IT (it being...the cost, the time, the energy) TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE! Seriously! Start saving your money, start pocketing it away, decide.

My coach posted something the other day: "Stop waiting for the right time, the right time is now."

Amen. Take that leap! It's time to take time to get healthier for you. You can be a more patient Mama, a happier coworker, a more understanding spouse. Taking a little time for you isn't selfish - in fact, it's the least selfish thing ever, because it truly makes you a better person for others!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Just another fad

There's been some hubbub (is that a real word?)going around about the new independent consultant jobs that are suddenly coming out of the woodwork and bombarding social media - Jamberry, Mary Kay, Beachbody, Essential Oils, and Sabika are just a few examples, but there are a TON more.

This has been something that has been weighing heavily on my heart. There was a popular blog post that was shared thousands of times written from a woman's perspective on how she was unfriending anyone that was selling anything and that she was tired of it filling up her newsfeed. As an avid "facebook party" attender, I support all Jamberryists, Mary Kay Makeup Artists, Sabika jewelers, Beachbody coaches, and everyone else along the line. I mainly did it for the social aspect, the fun games we'd play in the evening for about an hour or so while I'm in my jammies watching TV. It was just a fun thing. This woman's blog post was so critical and attacking. It actually came across rather selfish, but at the time, I was so embarrassed. I'm a beachbody coach. I'm an independent consultant, technically speaking. Have I been doing this?? Have I been annoying and in people's faces?? Did I make people unfriend me?? #worrywart

Like usual in our social media driven world, an amazing blog post response was written responding to this blog against independent consultants. On this side, the woman wrote that although she can't afford and doesn't want to buy anything ALL the time, she supports the independent consultants. The ones being gutsy enough to post a sweaty selfie or a face with no makeup or those crazy before and afters. She supports them because they are trying to work hard, make money, and have fun at the same time. Is the first blog writer really that angry that people love their job?

I see both sides to the story. Sometimes people get annoying. Sometimes posts become too much. Sometimes you'd rather read the latest gossip of a Facebook friend's lives than learn about another deal, another discount, another group ;) I get it!

So - to those of you I annoy, I'm sorry! I'm sorry for the way my fitness spam and the crazy clean eating and the ridiculous sweaty selfies makes you feel. I'm sorry for the way it makes you feel, but I'm not sorry for them. If you want to know what's going on in my life, that's what it is! I'm working out, eating healthier, and I'm on my way to a WAY better me!

Y'all know me. You know I can't keep a secret, I talk 24/7 (yes, even in my sleep), and that I get way too excited about the littlest things! Then how do you expect me to keep quiet about something that is changing my life so drastically??!?!

Some people may be in it to make money - that's a definite perk. Some are in it because they fully endorse the product - like any girlboss should. But it's still a LARGE part of their life! Your friends are branching out on a limb, trying to begin their own business, create a new source of income, and it's time to show them support ;)

So - to all your Jamberry, Mary Kay, Essential Oils, Tastefully Simple, Sabika, Beachbody folks -- I love you! I'll attend any party you throw! AND I promise to support your business endeavors. To all my followers, readers, my luvahs, my friends, and my team, Support those around you! If you can't financially, at least participate in what you can do. We are on a mission!

As for me, I'm just going to keep on cheesin' in my selfies, trying to make the world a better place one workout at a time, and I'm going to keep on, keepin' on. ;)

Monday, May 4, 2015

Bad Attitude

Lately, I've been a total crank...

think like...mad just to be mad, no reason really, but also kinda sorta hoping for a reason so you don't look like a crazy person because you're you know what I mean? This past week I think I've yelled at Jared for the most stupidest things that could ever laugh about it now because when I yelled it didn't even make sense. And honestly, half the time he laughs at me anyways because my angry face is apparently hilarious. Who's to say?

I also got some pretty devastating news this past weekend. I've been trying hard to find a new job for next year (my Spanish certification was only for one year because I'm an elementary teacher) and so I've been applying and interviewing like a mad-woman. I had an interview for a kindergarten position(AKA dream job), amazing interview, amazing connections, perfect fit and I found out on Friday that they hired someone else. I literally BAWLED.

Like snot everywhere. Tears soaking the couch. My life was over. I was never going to find a job. We were never going to be financially okay. Life was terrible and I hated myself and everyone and everything. I think I sulked for a few hours. I think we went and got ice cream to make me feel better.
I don't really remember because those hours were a tear-stained blur. And when Jared brought it up the next morning, I burst into tears again. I felt so raw and vulnerable. I'm not saying that I didn't overreact. Most people would just pick themselves up, brush themselves off, and apply to the next job. I definitely was overreacting but I couldn't control the intense amount of emotions that had flooded me in seconds. The tears just flowed. and I felt raw. I felt emotion that I hadn't felt in a long time, a selfish emotion of not getting what I wanted, what I had planned, what I felt I deserved. So I took this crying selfie...

because I wanted you to see my vulnerability. I'm not always the happiest person, I'm not always kind, I'm not always "on" and "cute" and "incharge" like the rules I often play. This picture was so hard for me to even put into this blog. I wanted to delete it. I didn't want people to see it. and I even took 3 days writing this post because I was procrastinating on people seeing my cry face. But that's not what this about (keep reading..)

I really, truly felt that this is where I was supposed to be...but I'm slowly realizing, each day that I spend away from that terrible Friday evening, that maybe it wasn't. God surely must have an amazing plan in the works to pass me up for a job that I already thought was amazing. That being said, I've taken a new look on life.I realized how powerful our emotions are, how much they play a role in our days, our lives, even our weeks.
What happened sucked, obviously. Was it actually devastating? No. But I let it debilitate me, I let it put me in a funk for HOURS and almost a full 24 HOURS at that. I just felt cranky, upset, emotional, rock bottom and I couldn't take it anymore.

So here's what I'm saying (and mostly to myself..but I wanted you to see this too.) Yeah, situations suck sometimes. Life doesn't go how we planned, but God definitely has his own version of a plan that He already knows and has planned for us! SO. I'm praying, wishing, and knowing that God's will will be shown in HIS perfect timing, even if it's not mine.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

A Grocery Guide

If there was an award for fastest grocery shopper, it would be my life goal to get that award.

....kidding, but seriously. I just hate grocery shopping! And when I started clean eating, it took longer and it made my normal 20 minute trip almost an hour trying to find things, bagging fresh vegetables, etc. I HATED IT.

I made it a priority to find the best way possible to still eat clean, cut my trip in half, and slash my grocery bill to a low (super low) cost.

I wanted to share a few of my grocery shopping tips - in another blog post I shared my exact grocery list! Here are my tips for keeping your grocery bill low and for getting it done fast!

1. Come Prepared - When I go to the grocery store, I look like I'm prepped to take on the DMV - paperwork galore....but seriously, it works I have my purse that snugly holds my grocery store MVP card and my credit card. I have a small stack of papers in my hand - THIS IS IMPORTANT! Obviously, I always make a grocery list - duh. Who doesn't? My husband and I even have this system where we have a magnetic notepad on the fridge and anytime we run out of something or think of something we need, we write it on the list. This keeps me from wasting 20 minutes of thinking of things I need before I even leave for the grocery store. Anyways, my purse also holds some coupons. I don't go searching for coupons, but if I find them, I keep them. It holds my meal plan too! I plan meals out each week - down to the snacks. I never write anything on the list that I don't need (I'm trying to cut spending here people!)
                                     1a. Meal Plan - I meal plan down to the detail. Snacks, breakfasts, even what we pack in our lunches. Maintaining this organization is what keeps me sane and helps make grocery shopping easier.
                                     1b. Coupons/cards - our store, Food Lion, caters coupons to your latest purchases. And since I buy a lot of the same stuff each week, I have coupons for those things! OR. I try really hard to find good deals by buying the Food Lion brand of things instead of the typical name brand still tastes just as good.
                                     1c. Grocery List - We have our grocery list on a magnet list on the fridge. Because we typically need more than just food at the grocery store (aka cleaning supplies, dog food, etc.) we add this stuff to the list as we run out of it, or if Jared has any special food requests he puts i there. Time saver!

2. Go where you need - I avoid the frozen food aisles, the candy, the chips, the soda aisles (and sometimes even the baking aisle if I have all ingredients I need). I go exactly where I need to go (and thanks to my handy dandy grocery list that correlates with my meal plan) I'm good! It took some time for us to figure out how fast we eat cucumbers or how many pounds of ground turkey we go through, but now that we've got it down, I know what I need &
when I need it.

3. Keep it Simple! Keep it fresh, keep it clean and you will be good to go!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Emerald City

A lot of people have asked me about my latest promotion, I am officially an Emerald Coach!!!
People are wondering what this means, how this changes things, etc. I thought I'd explain a little bit :)

First of all, this is the biggest accomplishment I've had with my Beachbody Career besides bettering my own self. I have finally advanced to my first rank EVER! It happened on my birthday but wasn't official until this week's cycle was up (our weeks run Thursday to Thursday) and so therefore, it became official TODAY! GAH. I am beaming from ear to ear. I keep refreshing my page to display my Emerald status (aka my little person's shirt is now green - meaning I'm Emerald!)

The Beachbody coaching ranks look like this. :

An active coach is what I was before - meaning I simply sold products and people bought them, and I ran challenge groups. Emerald status means that I have two wonderful women that have signed up underneath me and they are doing amazing things and starting their own teams!

Financial benefits - I now get $14 each week as a team bonus for simply building my team. 

My team is slowly building. The more coaches I get the more benefits I receive, the more coaches they get the more benefits they receive. And as a team - we all benefit together!!! Our sales literally benefit each other - people under me, people above me, get benefits once they start building their team too.

As for now, what's my next goal??? RUBY!
I want to sign 3 more coaches and get two of my coaches to my Emerald status that I have now! When do I want to reach this goal?? I set my goal date for May 16. I'm going to work hard to get this. This means pouring in more hours, more research, more blogs, more YouTube videos, more challenge groups, more contacts. I'm pouring my heart and soul into this business because I believe in it SO MUCH. I'm Emerald - I'm so ecstatic!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Just a Starfish

I was trying really hard to find my "thing." Like...I really wanted a symbol, an emblem, something that when people looked at it, they thought of me. I wanted something that stood for everything I was for. But I wanted something that also was creative, ingenious, unique, and applied to me. I might even get a tattoo of it now...but don't tell my Mom!

People, let's be real, I've been on the hunt for something to represent me since I became a coach last August. I've been trying hard to be out there and branding my business, but I wanted an insignia, I wanted something that was mine!

After months of searching, I texted Jared and said, "Yeah, so I'm really into starfish now." (completely out of the blue of course...) and he responds with..."Okay?..". I love how he just accepts the things I say, without really questioning me..hah.

Y'all are going to think this is so cheesy and that I'm lame, because really...a starfish? Seriously?
But after so many late night pinterest fests, a ton of googling, and even some starfish quote searches...I really do think that the starfish symbol is the one for me! I bought a starfish ring and I sent my two new coaches starfish necklaces, so there is no going back! :) This is it. I know it is!

I've been reading lots of articles on the representation of certain animals and symbols, I've read researchers explanations, and I've read blogs about little girls who love finding starfish on the beach. You name it, I've read it. But I really want you all to understand how much deeper this runs for me than just a symbol.

First, I LOVE the ocean. I think it is one of the most magical places that God has created. And I love this verse from a hymn we sing in church (I've posted it before..but who cares!) "If we with ink, the ocean fill or were the skies of parchment made, were every stalk on earth a quill and everyone a scribe by trade. To write the love of God above, would drain the ocean dry." I'm a beach girl at heart and I'm in awe of the creation that lies in the ocean itself.

Second, check out these meanings of a starfish! (I gave my own little explanation after each one - AKA why I like the meanings :) )

  • Strong  - this one is an obvious amazing one! Starfish have a harder outer body, so physically they are strong. In my fitness journey, I need to be strong.
  • Patient  - Starfish aren't necessarily the movers and shakers of the world. They kinda just hang out. I need to be patient - with myself. In waiting for results to happen, in changing my habits, in my bad days.
  • Ancient - I just love the idea of antique and archaic, long-standing. They've been around a while, they can get old, and they last!
  • Magical - they are just interesting and cool creatures! 
  • Healing - Did you know if a starfish loses a limb, it can regenerate and grow it back? can we actually grow back our limbs? No. But we can heal. Our hearts heal, our minds heal, and our bodies can heal. With time. A great reminder of necessary healing.
  • Sensitive - We have emotions! and sometimes emotions can control us. I love the fact that they represent sensitivity because this emotion can be taken in a negative way. It's okay to be sensitive, it's okay to let that sensitivity show!
  • Longevity - see ancient. They live for a LONG time! 
  • Renewing - I love this word. Renew. I want to be renewed, spiritually, physically, mentally. Starfish renew their limbs when they lose one. We can renew ourselves!
  • Perceptive - I have always prided myself on perceiving emotions. I tend to notice facial expressions, glances, eyes, and notice when things are going down that might not be on the surface. When we as humans become more perceptive to others, we become kinder, more understanding, patient....#mygoals
  • Resourceful - they take what they are given and use it. And they are innovative in finding other ways to make things work. They are intricate creatures that God created - their body system so interesting and intriguing. AH. I love starfish!

Third, I found this awesome passage about an article on Starfish. You can go to the article Symbolic Stafish, here. But, I have posted a small snippet of the article because I think it's awesome.

"So, in my way of thinking, the starfish is a great representative for this concept. They are the stars below, mimicking the stars above. Their remarkable ability to sense, move, regenerate - all that good stuff is available to us humans on earth.
Am I saying we can re-grow an arm if we lose one like the starfish can? Well..that's a stretch. But I will say we can regenerate our attitudes, our beliefs, our mind-sets. We can grow knew limbs of thought that take us to higher levels of experience. We can lop off parts of our belief systems that no longer serve us. We can replace these phantom limbs with higher-minded ideals. We can cut off our bad habits, and regenerate good ones. You get my point.
The starfish's ability to re-grow their bits and pieces is also symbolic of healing and renewal. This also ties in with water symbolism. Water is symbolic of healing, purification, cleansing. Water is also symbolic of emotion and intuition which ties in with the starfish meaning of sensory perception.
In terms of healing, the starfish can be a grand ally in your journey of renewal. If you're struggling with emotional or health challenges...consider the power of the starfish. Consider Hermes' statement: "As above, so below" (and vice versa). If the starfish can heal and can we as humans. Our regeneration might look a little different. But, through neuro-network patterns (retraining pathways in the brain) we can certainly regenerate new avenues thought that facilitate healing."

Fourth, some of you have probably read the starfish story.
However, I'll post it here for you as well.
Fifth reason...check out this call to Authenticity! Doesn't it just make you want to cry with Happiness!!!!! YES: 

This health and fitness journey is no where near over, and it's going to continue for the rest of my life! However, I'm so excited to have a symbol of renewal, healing, and a symbol of infinite divine love. :)

No matter how badly I want to help the entire world..I remember that each and every person I'm already working with has been touched. And I see that and feel that! (Thank you for your messages!)I will leave you with this matter what field you work in, what state you live in, what life you lead...