This has been something that has been weighing heavily on my heart. There was a popular blog post that was shared thousands of times written from a woman's perspective on how she was unfriending anyone that was selling anything and that she was tired of it filling up her newsfeed. As an avid "facebook party" attender, I support all Jamberryists, Mary Kay Makeup Artists, Sabika jewelers, Beachbody coaches, and everyone else along the line. I mainly did it for the social aspect, the fun games we'd play in the evening for about an hour or so while I'm in my jammies watching TV. It was just a fun thing. This woman's blog post was so critical and attacking. It actually came across rather selfish, but at the time, I was so embarrassed. I'm a beachbody coach. I'm an independent consultant, technically speaking. Have I been doing this?? Have I been annoying and in people's faces?? Did I make people unfriend me?? #worrywart
Like usual in our social media driven world, an amazing blog post response was written responding to this blog against independent consultants. On this side, the woman wrote that although she can't afford and doesn't want to buy anything ALL the time, she supports the independent consultants. The ones being gutsy enough to post a sweaty selfie or a face with no makeup or those crazy before and afters. She supports them because they are trying to work hard, make money, and have fun at the same time. Is the first blog writer really that angry that people love their job?
I see both sides to the story. Sometimes people get annoying. Sometimes posts become too much. Sometimes you'd rather read the latest gossip of a Facebook friend's lives than learn about another deal, another discount, another group ;) I get it!
So - to those of you I annoy, I'm sorry! I'm sorry for the way my fitness spam and the crazy clean eating and the ridiculous sweaty selfies makes you feel. I'm sorry for the way it makes you feel, but I'm not sorry for them. If you want to know what's going on in my life, that's what it is! I'm working out, eating healthier, and I'm on my way to a WAY better me!
Y'all know me. You know I can't keep a secret, I talk 24/7 (yes, even in my sleep), and that I get way too excited about the littlest things! Then how do you expect me to keep quiet about something that is changing my life so drastically??!?!

So - to all your Jamberry, Mary Kay, Essential Oils, Tastefully Simple, Sabika, Beachbody folks -- I love you! I'll attend any party you throw! AND I promise to support your business endeavors. To all my followers, readers, my luvahs, my friends, and my team, Support those around you! If you can't financially, at least participate in what you can do. We are on a mission!
As for me, I'm just going to keep on cheesin' in my selfies, trying to make the world a better place one workout at a time, and I'm going to keep on, keepin' on. ;)
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