As I was expanding my Beachbody business, I wanted to come up with a "theme" or a "name" to give my writings, my thoughts, and I wanted to brand myself before I started putting myself out there. I had multiple ideas...and actually my facebook pages runs as "Alyssa Green - Health and Fitness". However, I wanted something that stretched far beyond the health and fitness aspect and straight into daily life. I wanted a name that reached the dusty corners of our souls and made us want to change from the inside out. I wanted to live the green life :)
My last name is Green - so that part is self explanatory, but in reality, I have always loved that the color green typically means all things positive. It means clean, it means growth, it means good. I love how adding in the word "life" changes the whole aspect. It makes it a lifestyle! A way of living!
So that's my goal - to bring the "green" aspect to everything I do! In my Jesus relationship, with my husband, in my cooking, in my clothes, in my makeup, in my lesson plans, in my teaching, in my bills, and in my future. I WANT TO EXUDE POSITIVITY!
And that's what I'm bringing to the table here :) I'm slowly changing my life one section at a time, trying hard to bring this positivity to others.
Do you want to be a part of The Green Life?? Join me and my GreenTeam at Alyssa Green - Health and Fitness. Let's start making a difference, let's start paying it forward, and let's start changing the world.

IG: alyssagreen410
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