I've written about challenge groups before - I've talked about the importance and accountability of them. I've talked about WHY they are so awesome. You get the picture :)
My latest group is called "Fall into Fitness" (get it..Fall?! ) I try to be punny. This is a different group than others because, honestly, it's happening starting October 12. THIS FALL. TWO WEEKS. I would venture to say that not many people think about starting their fitness journey right now. Halloween, Thanksgiving, and then dare I say, Christmas, are right around the corner. Might as well put those goals on hold until after Christmas and set our new years resolutions.
and to this I say...WHY?
If you won't start today, what makes you say you'll start tomorrow??
I struggled with this my whole life. I can remember saying, "When I'm 16, I'll start watching what I eat and working out." "When I get to college, I'll start working out daily to prevent the freshmen fifteen." "When I get engaged I'll start working out so I can look good in my wedding dress."
But really...what do those "When I" statements even do for me? Other than prolong my goals? It just helped me procrastinate something that I wanted, something I desired, but something that might've been a little difficult.
Here's the way I see it. When we are in middle school, our biggest life goal is to be a Senior in high school and walk across that stage to receive our diploma. We don't say, "When I turn 18, then I'll study and do homework and try to make it through high school." No, we (mostly) try our best or atleast attend school in order to make it through to the end!
When we are Seniors and we think about our future careers, we don't say "When I'm 45 and ready to settle down, I'll go to college and work on my career." No, we want to get to our career as fast as possible and we work hard and we do the hard things to get there.
And finally, when it's time to get a job after our hard-earned degree, do we just sit on the couch at home hoping someone will call?? No! We interview, we apply, we make awkward "did you get my resume" phone calls. WE WORK HARD to get what we want and desire. We work hard to fulfill our dreams and to keep making our dreams bigger.
This group is starting October 12th and there is still time to join. I SINCERELY hope you aren't saying, "I'll message Alyssa in January when things have slowed down." because I can guarantee you that things will be busier. Message me today. I'm listening!
It all bottles down to one question..."how bad do you want it?"

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