So, you guys totally love on my statuses about my kiddos - and honestly, they say the most hilarious things and they do the most hilarious things and I love them with my whole heart. Being a first year teacher is tough in and of itself, but being a first year KINDERGARTEN teacher has proven itself to be quite the challenge. And when you see those photos of me in school on Saturday and Sunday, I actually am having a BLAST creating materials for the next week - to me, this isn't a job or something I HAVE to do, it's something I LOVE to do...and as the saying goes, "Choose a job you love and you'll never work a day in your life." I don't say I'm going to work, I say I'm going to school to be the "Teacher Mommy" that my friend so fondly calls me.
That being said, my beachbody business had slowed a little. Naturally this went on the back burner as I wanted my room, myself, and my materials to come first to make sure my little kinders were getting the best education I could give them. coming in was less, people I was helping was less, and honestly, I started questioning if I could even do both of these things anymore. is basically Kindergarten with some eating and sleeping inbetween. But I lost 4 pounds during this time so far, I've managed to eat sort of clean, and I've set big goals for this coming December - so I figured, YES if I can do this - I can continue to help people do this.
Enter, from stage left, this handy dandy guy who created me, the Man himself, God. I talk to Him alot - throughout my day, on my drive to and from work, as I'm loving on my little friends. But I NEVER and I mean I NEVER invited Him into the Beachbody aspect of my life. And I was like, "ALYSSA GREEN WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM!?!" I guess I felt by praying to Him about Beachbody, I'd be praying to Him for sales and business, and that's not what I was asking for nor what I wanted.
So instead I prayed this (and for some odd reason I remember exactly what I said..) "God, send me people that need help. Send me people that want to know you better, that need new ways to get healthy, nourish the bodies you gave them, and to exercise. Send me the people that are frustrated, tired, and discouraged. Send me people that are busy, ridiculously busy. Make me the best coach I can be for all of these people. Help me to be there for them, encourage them, motivate them. God, I want to help people, I want to serve you in this way."
I prayed this prayer on the way to school last Thursday. Didn't think twice about it, just left it there. Sometimes I'd send up a sentence or two throughout the weekend, but I didn't dedicate any more time to bringing it to God.
Now, we are here, it's Monday. Exactly 4 days ago I prayed for God to send people to me. Message upon message upon message filling my inbox. People needing help, people frustrated, people are ready for a change.
I'm so overwhelmed and blessed by God hearing my prayer. I'm so excited to start working with these women, helping them change their lives! I am more than ready for this challenge and I think God knows I'm ready and capable of doing this too, even if sometimes I don't feel like it.
So this is for you. The person scrolling through your newsfeed, reading another photo or selfie from me, kinda interested but not willing to ask about it. This is for you, girl who thinks I have too much time for this and you don't have enough. This is for you, Mama who never sits down let alone has a full meal.
I prayed for you. Message me. <3
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