But, I'm back. I'm back with a vengeance and I'm so excited to blog more and more about my fitness journey and the people that I'm taking with me!
So - I wanted to give you guys a glimpse of where I've been, where I am, and where I plan on going!
Where I've been!
- You all remember where left off right? I was directing a summer camp at my favorite place on Earth, Laurelville!
- I lost inches over the summer and I actually went down two pants sizes! I LOVE seeing the progress!!
- We lived in Salisbury, PA and now we moved our way down to Harrisonburg, VA!
Where I am!
- I'm now officially a Kindergarten Teacher here in Harrisonburg! Can I just say DREAM JOB?!
- It has been a crazy amount of stressful evenings and cutting and laminating and so many fun little friends, but I definitely LOVE my life and my job!
Where I'm going!
- My goal?? To teach because I want too (I already do) not because I have too (which I kinda do...because..you know...Money..)
- To keep expanding my team
- to lose more weight by Christmas and New Years!
- to continue to grow my business, be a better teacher, a better wife, and a better person all around.
What's next?!
Okay guys, I'm going to dig deep into my challenge groups, my monthly groups, and ALL things going on. Each month I will be hosting -
1. A shakeology group - a 5 day test of Shakeo!
2. A sneak peek into Coaching group - definitely see what it's like to be me!
3. A FREE clean eating group - 5 days of clean eating foods! I've had people lose up to 7 pounds in just five days from cleaning up their diet.
4. A FREE exercise group of some sort. This month's group is called Flex into Fall and it's focusing on our arms!
5. A challenge group will run the last week of each month to help you all get started on those goals!!!

CAN I DO IT?! Heck yes.
but I'm terrified.
Living the life I love.
This was short and sweet, and to the point :)
Stay tuned for more posts! :) And let me know if you have questions or ideas on new posts!
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