Aside from that, today I was complaining to her. I'm slightly frustrated that my team isn't growing as fast as I want it too and people aren't taking it as seriously as I want them too, and I'm just plain out frustrated. Messaging people over and over who were really close with me one month and aren't responding to me for two months now. I'm just discouraged. Then she said something to me..
"Focus on the willing."
WHAT. Mind=blown.
She's totally right. She went onto explain a pretty awesome analogy that I LOVE. What if you had a waiter that never asked you for your drink order? Or maybe never gave you the option to order dessert? You'd be pretty offended, correct? Like..dude..I'm thirsty over here. By not asking, by not putting the offer out there to have people be on my team, I'm making the decision for them.
That's why I post a lot, that's why I ask and offer and propose. I don't want to make the decision for you to not participate in this with me! Therefore, I will continue to offer it over and over, and let you decide.
This got me to thinking...this whole focusing on the willing thing...
Jesus. Oh what a great guy. He's always knocking on our door, always putting the offer of His love on the table, always there, always ready, always waiting for and loving us, and he waits. He waits until we hear that knock, no matter how long it takes, and he waits for us to be willing to follow him.
FOCUS on the Willing!
Jesus focused on the woman who bled for 12 years that so desired to be healed by Jesus because she believed in His power. God focused on Job who praised Him even after every terrible thing that happened, because Job was still willing to follow Him. Jesus ignored the Pharisees, the Saducees, and all those other priestly people, he just kept doing his thing, loving them, knocking on their doors, and waiting. He never pushed his way into their lives, he simply focused on those who were willing to follow Him and if more happened to follow him, then the more the merrier! :)
So, my new goal? Focus on the willing, the ones that want to make this a business, a new lifestyle, and change lives the way I did. Even if you aren't willing, I'll be waiting here, knocking on your door, patiently. :)
Isn't Jess just awesome?
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