I feel like the judgement of others tends to get clouded and for this reason most people just think I post sweaty selfies and try to sell products all the time. NEGATIVE.
I workout FOR ME. And I post a sweaty selfie because that's my accountability to the people I'm helping.
I run challenge groups on Facebook - to help other women maintain motivation and encouragement while they are working out. Most of the time, I'm not making any money at all because people borrow programs from friends or already have a program, so essentially I'm a free coach probably 80% of the time.
So this is a run down of my day as a coach, you'll end up seeing it's so much more about my journey than it is about making money. I just so happen to have the chance to work with wonderful women and make a little money on the side at the same time!
5:30 AM - wake up, put in a load of laundry, take the dog and cat outside, unload the dishwasher, and clean up the kitchen, make Jared a coffee
Workout! (never more than 30 minutes!)
Post a sweaty selfie, check in to all challenge groups and post a sweaty selfie there too!
6:45 - 7:00 AM Shower
7:00-7:30 AM Get ready and drink Shakeology
(and then go to school! But since it's now summer...clean the house, go get groceries, run errands, etc..)
7:30 AM -3:30 PM Live life - whether I'm in school or I'm at home during the summer, I'm normal. I spend time making meals, hanging with friends, going shopping, watching TV. Summer is pretty busy so I'll be mapping out a large calendar plan and trying to get organized today.
3:30-4:30 PM Write a blog post, check in with a few interested people, answer messages and emails, post a status
4:30-6:00 PM - Dinner and time with the Family!
6:00-7:00 PM - Clean up dinner and red up the house from the day!
7:00- 9:30 PM - Watch TV and multitask while responding to questions. Hootsuite more challenge groups for the following month! (Hootsuite is a social media site where I can schedule my posts to happen in specific facebook groups - a huge time saver when done ahead of time!)
9:30-10:15 PM - Read a great, new, amazing and fulfilling book before hitting the hay.

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