A super duper large part of being a Coach is working on goals and personal development. I'm not gonna lie, in the beginning when my upline coaches were encouraging me to personally develop myself I was annoyed. I didn't want to spend the time each day, this was stupid. Wasn't I already a good person? Wasn't I already developed to where I wanted to be? (*Note in advance, this page will be spammed with awesome picture quotes about personal development and setting goals, there were so many good ones I couldn't decide)
hahahaha, I just laugh at the me that thought those things. I'll be touching more on the aspect of personal development in a later post, but I really really really wanted to talk about setting goals. I made a youtube video a while back about setting goals and how's it's important! You can see that in the movie clip below :)

That video talks about setting goals in regards to weight loss. Which I totally support! But becoming a better person, personally developing myself, and balancing ALL areas of my life (marriage, teaching, coaching, cleaning, health and fitness) involves goals that stretch far beyond those weight loss walls. And this is something that personal development is, understanding that you can always be better and working towards that each and every day! It exudes such positivity to personally develop yourself! I feel amazing when I'm setting goals, when I'm trying to reach them, and when I'm helping other people set goals too. My team is reading
The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy and he talks about physically writing down your goals. THEN he says, write down the roadblocks that would get in the way of those goals. So for example, maybe one of my goals is to better communicate with my husband. Something that would get in the way, could be my incessant need to be on my phone and social media all the time. I need to write that down. (Just an example, not real life... ;)) THEN, we have to write down the things that will help us maintain those goals. Keeping up with my previous example, it could be how we spend time eating each meal together at the table without the TV on. The author even mentions that without writing this stuff out, our goals are only fantasies and fantasies don't come true.
AHHHHH. This book is powerful stuff! Anyways, my goals are so many, so big, so different, but I'm so excited for the road ahead because I have clearly defined goals to make me a better person, a better wife, a better teacher, a better coach, a better daughter, a better friend, and a better sister.

"What you get by achieving your goals, isn't as important as what you become by achieving your goals." - Zig Ziglar
Below is one of my favorite quotes that I've read so far. I love it so much I read it like 12,000 times. AND I typed it here. and then I read it again :) Enjoy!
Taken from
The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy. "When you define your goals, you give your brain something new to look for and focus on. It's as if you're giving your mind a new set of eyes from which to see all the people, circumstances, conversations, resources, ideas, and creativity surrounding you. With this new perspective (an inner itinerary),your mind proceeds to match up on the outside what you most want on the inside - your goal. It's that simple. The difference in how you experience the world and draw ideas, people, and opportunities into your life after you have clearly defined your goals is profound!"
I hope this inspires you, I hope this encourages you, I hope you truly truly want to set goals for yourself - in all areas and aspects of your life. Gain a new perspective, create an inner itinerary, and go out and get those dreams!
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