I was a decent morning person, full of energy - ready to kickstart the day - the whole 9 yards. This past summer, without an alarm, I'd get up at 5:30 AM, get a workout in, clean the house, do some laundry, and have an amazing day filled with accomplishments and lists that had been checked and crossed. I felt phenomenal. I was getting 8 to 10 hours of sleep and kicking butt, for lack of a better term.
Then, I got married. Then my responsibilities doubled. Now I had to get up (later than I normally did, 6:30 to 6:45 AM), pack my lunch, try to look pretty, prepare supper for the evening, maybe get a load of laundry in (unlikely), trip over cat toys...etc, etc. I'd come home and be exhausted because this was my first big girl job after all! I'd get dinner ready and then you could probably call me worthless because that's how tired I was. And my oh-so-truthful husband shattered what I thought had been truth to be proven to lies.
I. Am. Not. A. Morning. Person.
or..at least most of the time I'm not.
Jared likes to put it this way...I'm a morning person if I get to wake myself up, but if the alarm goes off I am not a morning person. You can ask him and he'll tell you embellished tales of him trying to wake me up on school mornings. He'll say that he had to hit me with pillows, drag of the covers, drag me out of bed. He had to lay on top of me, whistle in my ear, tickle me because I couldn't defend myself from my lack of strength in the morning. He'll tell you all of those...truths. None of those are lies, all truths.
I guess it all boils down to responsibility and what I HAVE to do. Because I HAVE to be up and ready for school, I hate it. But this summer, when I didn't HAVE to but I WANTED to, I was up before it was light out and running as the sun rose. Oh what a life...
I'm sure you all can relate. And if you are a morning person, maybe evening's feel like death sometimes and you are ready to crawl into your comfy cozy bed by 7:30 PM. I get it - because that's what I did last night! :) However, there's something about kickstarting your day that changes the whole course of your day!
When people workout in the morning - they are more likely to finish a workout, they feel more energized for the day, they feel ready! Does it take time from sleep? yes! but that means we have to go to bed earlier. Honestly, Jared and I are still working out in the evenings, but that's because our schedules for working are cray cray to the max. I promise you though, as soon as our schedules get back on track, we will be morning people for sure!
I am in NO WAY trying to make you switch up your routine, if morning workouts just don't work for you - but evening ones do, rock it! You Do You! I'm just saying all the good things that can happen out of exercising in the morning. Exercise produces endorphins and endorphins make you happy! Why not work out in the morning (and get it out of the way!) and then be happy all day?! :)

So, let's raise a cup of coffee to those morning workout warriors and hope that someday (very soon) we will all be among the ranks! (I have a dream, that one day work will start in mid morning and everyone will workout before the day begins.)
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