STOP. NO. DON'T SAY THAT. Because that's a terrible rut to get yourself in and then try to get yourself out of. It's so important to make time for yourself and taking care of your body. Saying you don't have time is like saying you don't have time to shower, you don't have time to brush your teeth, fix your hair, or you don't have time to go to the bathroom.
It's not true! Maybe deep down you know that it's not true, or maybe you really just think it's true. You've got busy kids, you've got a husband, a demanding job, you truly don't feel as if you could add it into your life! I promise you - you can. I did it! I was planning a wedding, babysitting, fixing a house, moving to a new town, and trying to find a new job and I did it!

1. I got up a little earlier - was this hard? At first, yes! But then I realized it wasn't so bad and it became such a habit. I got up at 5:30, worked out, showered, and I was ready for the day!
2. I prioritized my TV time - I realized that I was saying I didn't have time when in reality I was spending 3 or 4 hours in the evening after supper watching TV. Instead, after dinner, I'd clean up my food and dishes right away, prep the meals for the next day, and make a to-do list for the next day as well. This way, I still had 2.5 hours of TV time left. And if I missed my morning workout - I could do it now! Take a look at the little minutes of time that get wasted by doing absolutely nothing productive. Organize all that time - you'll have a lot left over :)
3. I made lists! - I made lists of everything, what I was going to eat, what I needed to do that day (in priority order of course), what needed done for the week, and what I was looking at from a monthly schedule point. With lists, I wasn't wasting any 5 minutes of time! I could get everything done, workout, and STILL HAVE TIME to relax. Especially now as a teacher - when a lot of my day is taken up!
4. Multitask!! - Who knew that you could drink your Shakeology and get ready at the same time?! I always blow dry and style my hair while eating my breakfast! It saves me ten minutes! I often check my emails/social media while I start the shower so my water can warm up instead of just standing there for 5 minutes waiting. I make my lunches and all my snacks at the same time. When I'm watching TV, I workout! That way I don't feel bad about missing my favorite Friends reruns but I'm also getting a workout in. Ladies, let's be real, sometimes our husbands just get in the way! When Jared pops in for a shower or if he's watching one of his manly sports shows, this is the time where I am able to plan for the next day, prep for the next days meals. Food prep took me 45 minutes an evening our first week of clean eating, I can now do it in 5 minutes! You will get used to this, it will take some time, but it will become easy for you - I swear!
5. Make it a priority - I told myself my workout and clean eating was something I had too, just as much as showering, peeing, brushing my teeth. When you make things something taht has to happen it'll make it easier for it to happen. I'm not a morning person, so if I don't make it up in the morning, then I make it a priority to happen at night!
6. I gave myself a time limit! - Laundry needed done? I'd pop a load in and immediately start my workout. The load lasted 30 minutes in the washer, just like my workout time! I knew my workout was over once the timer went off. I'd pop it in the dryer and then food prep for 30 minutes until the clothes were dry. YOU CAN DO THIS!
7. I included my husband - First, it's so much easier to workout and eat clean when everyone you live with is doing it with you. Second, having him participating gave him the right to help me out. Not only did we PLAN our workout time together, but he helps to prepare food and get things ready if I'm busy doing other housework or teacher stuff. I know not everyone is married, but most of us don't live alone! Have your roommate cut up veggies while you do the laundry, have your husband entertain the kids for 25 minutes while you squeeze a workout in! Get people involved, remain accountable, and you will have time!
All of these things sound hard. And annoying. Believe me, I know. And when I gave my coach excuses, she dished all of this right back at me. She is insane and gets up at 4:30 AM!!! AHHH! However, I promise, if you spend a Sunday afternoon revaluating your time, you'll do it! I still get 8 to 9 hours of sleep a night, I workout, I plan and prepare food each day, I have a full time job as a teacher, and I run my own Beachbody business. YOU CAN DO THIS!
It all comes down to how bad do you want?! Are you ready to go through another summer angry at what you didn't do during the winter in order to wear a swimsuit and feel comfortable? Are you ready to continue to feel bloated? If you want it badly enough, you will make time. All I can do is help you along the way! This lady has a great blog about how she made exercise a habit, you can find it right here called How I Made Exercise a Habit

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