I mentally prepare myself and my body. "Okay Alyssa..just drink water for breakfast because you know THAT lunch at 12 is going to be the bomb diggity and you are going to go cray cray on Grandma's cranberry salad." "Alright, Lys, you aren't feeling sluggish yet so you definitely have room for another helping of mashed potatoes." Like, seriously..the things that go through my head! LOLZ. And then I usually end up laying on a couch somewhere in my house, lethargically chatting with family, practically asleep (for the record, some of my family members do sleep - it's hilarious!)
But is that really what I should do?? Should I really gorge myself like that over the holidays? Probs not. SO - I've come up with a holiday game plan to help me enjoy myself but not go crazy and to help me pace myself so I don't become a sleepy, sluggish, bloated mess...because nobody wants that.
In this blog you'll find my plans for a Healthy and Hearty Thanksgiving! If you're the host - You can make these things for your guests - JUST as delicious and even more healthy. If you're following the 21 day fix plan (or just trying to be a clean eater) I have a nice meal plan set up for you here!
The most important part of the entire holidays?? DRINK DRINK DRINK DRINK Water!!!
All of these recipes/food ideas/portion control options came from a simple search on pinterest! IT is indeed POSSIBLE to have a healthy holiday season :)
Let's do this :) I literally just typed in "21 Day Fix Thanksgiving" and this entire page of options popped up!
You can look at these recipes under my "thanksgiving" section on my recipes page.
Crockpot Turkey Breast! This is great!! I'm so excited to have found a recipe that's EASY and healthy for you!!! YUM. Crockpot Turkey Recipe
Mashed Potatoes:
Skinny Smashed Potatoes - recipe here
Side Dishes:
Roasted Parmesan Green Beans - find the recipe here :)
There's no holiday without some dessert. Here is some HEALTHY pumpkin pie that looks and IS delicious! :) Pumpkin Pie here!
Here's an encouraging and motivating video from Autumn Calabrese, the creater of the 21 day fix! :)
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