I've been extremely defeated lately.
I have the HUGEST fire in my belly. I can't describe the feeling - it's literally impossible. All I know if I have this itch, this INSANE desire for something greater, something more. ...and I'm not going to stop until I get it.
But like I said...I've felt defeated.
I've spent countless hours talking with people that want to see a change or a difference in their lives. I've gotten up early, stayed up late, I've been on top of my workout game and I've been bringing Jesus into the middle of my business. I've been creating engaging posts, staying in check with my challengers...EVERYTHING we are told to create, establish, and love as a coach - I'm on it.
And I'm not seeing it.
There's a saying we have in the Beachbody world. It's not about the money for us, it's about the people.
"Your business is a direct reflection of the people you are helping."
It hits me heavy and it hits me really hard. I missed some major goals I had set for myself in January. I had SO MANY ladies that want to be involved, that want help, that WANT change - but in the end, they had reasons for not committing right now. Which is definitely okay! Life happens!
But now, I feel like I've helped no one. (The awkward "am I doing everything okay?" person inside of me questions if this is right for me!?!) The passionate fire in my belly fires back harder with YES. YOU CAN DO THIS.
So...although I'm knocked down right now, feeling pretty low...I'm looking back on January like this...
1. I stepped up my workout game
2. I am making Jesus the CENTER of my business, one day at a time
3. I'm focusing on helping - not earning
4. I got to talk to amazing women who need a change, who need help with their health and fitness, and maybe sometime soon, they will realize their right time is right now!
5. Somewhere, some part of me, thinks that I needed to be brought to this moment to get to bigger and better things. I'm a dreamer, and I know with some hard work and a whole lot of elbow grease - I'll get to where I need to be.
Praying for you, dear reader. Know you are right where you need to be for this very given moment. I'm working hard on learning that for myself. Until next time - I've got some February goals to hit hard!
Love you much.
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