Monday, December 8, 2014

What the heck is The Green Life?

Since getting married this past July, I've had to get used to a lot of things...

1. Living with a boy
2. Doing a boy's laundry
3. Cooking for a boy
4. Shopping for a boy

...and so much more that has nothing really to do with a boy, but rather how to compromise. That being said, I've also had to learn to go by Alyssa Green and Mrs. Green in school...or if I'm lucky and my students are practicing their Spanish like they should, I'll get called Senora Verde :)

Anyways, I get the usual jokes about my new last name. "Hey, your last name is a color." "Hey, Green is my favorite color." Or my personal favorite... "HEY MIZZ GAHREEN." Highschoolers think they are so funny.

At this point, your probably like.."Okay, Alyssa, get to the point..what is The Green Life actually about?!" Well let me tell you!

I've been thinking about the word "Green" alot, especially as I ventured through the terribly uncharted and dangerous name changing territory. Green is a rather positive color (and word!) Often things in green are good, positive, showing growth. I think of the green grass and green plants in spring showing life, I think of the green corn stalks in the summer - ripe for the picking!, I think of the green Christmas trees that decorate our homes. Green is just a life-giving color...

...and I've made it my new mission to apply this "life-giving" mentality to almost every aspect that my little mind can think up. And I'm going to blog about it!

I've coached people in a lot of things. Piano, Spanish, singing, guitar, how to paint a dresser, currently jr. high name it. However, in all of these situations, I had the upper hand - I knew more about the subject than the person I was teaching, I was the expert. Since beginning my new fitness coaching journey I have often felt inferior. I don't know everything about fitness or healthy foods, sometimes I like greasy cheeseburgers, and more often than not (sadly) I'd rather sleep in than get a morning workout. This coaching was different because I wasn't just a leader or a teacher anymore, I was and am on the journey right beside my teammates and team members. I'm changed/altered/renewed just as much as the people I "coach". Sometimes, I think I get more from them than they do from me as their coach.

That all being said... Welcome to The Green Life! I'm going to attack this from all angles while rocking my new "Green" last name. We are going to explore how to make fitness, family, faith, makeup, hair, life, food, and anything else you can think of "green" - positive, growing, and in a healthy mentality.

Want to join my team and be a part of The Green Life?!

Find me on Instagram at... alyssagreen410